Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cool Free Films in San Jose Neighborhoods?

It's true! The San Jose Public Library has teamed up with the Int'l Latino Film Society to bring you several inspiring and incredible films for the month of June.

The first showing was at Educational Park (the screening room was a short stroll from the library--we showed you where). Please read more information about our screening and the series here and here.

There are still two screening opportunities left: 21 Saturday at Hillview Library and 28 Saturday at Biblioteca Library.

The theme of this series is What Cannot Left Behind, and as you watch these films and listen to the speakers, we invite you to think about what makes you "you," what informs your sense of identity. How much has place shaped the person you have become? If you were separated from your homeland or if you left your place of birth--how much of it would you keep with you?
When you watch these films and reflect on your own experiences and the experiences of those you know and love, you may want to investigate the topic of immigration more fully. Over the coming weeks those of us with blogs will be providing suggestions for additional materials on this subject.

This week our recommendations for further exploration into the topic of immigration include very diverse perspectives--from those who are trafficked into new countries against their will and those who find disappointment in their adopted countries to refugees and those who must flee their homes for political reasons.

Unveiled / A Woman's Journey Through Politics, Love, and Obedience by Deborah Kanafani.
This memoir documents an American woman's experiences and struggles in the Middle East.

A Crime So Monstrous : Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery / E. Benjamin Skinner.
In this account, Skinner makes the case that there are more slaves today than at any other time in history. Fascinating and upsetting, many types of slavery are explored, including sexual trafficking.
Find it in our catalogue here:
The Latehomecomer : A Hmong Family Memoir / Kao Kalia Yang.
This memoir, highly recommended by Publisher's Weekly, traces the poignant tale of a Hmong family and makes vivid the experience of being a refugee in a country where people know nothing about you.

The Bitter Sea : Coming of Age in a China Before Mao / Charles N. Li.
This memoir describes the transformation of a country and the effect that transformation has on the development of one of its citizens--as Ni struggles to define and redefine his life in the face of staggering changes.
Available at these libraries:

Let Them In : The Case for Open Borders / Jason L. Riley
This analysis of the facts of immigration makes a case that few in public are today making--that immigration is overwhelmingly positive for the United States and that many, many benefits are reaped from people coming into the country.
Request or locate this book here:

Remember, every book you read this summer qualifies you for the chance to win prizes--ask about Adult Summer Reading at your local library for more details!

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